Friday, October 4, 2019

Postgrade Studies

Hello and welcome to another blog, well I really don't think about what I'm gonna do after receive my title (if I finish my career ) but like the most maybe I'd would do a magister in biochemistry because like a say in my last blog that was my first option to study at the university. In my mind I would do this magister in other country, maybe in Europe'country or Brazil but it has to be in other to study and in the same time to know a new country also I hope to do this magister in a blended system to have time to see the country.

And maybe I would like to study another career related with biology except medicine I don't like this career not because it's a very long career it's because in my opinion it's a profession which you have to be very responsable and for me it's a big responsibility the life of someone but anyway I think when finish the career of Pharmaceutical chemistry perhaps the next profession I study would be marine biology I feel it's a very interesting career and also so pretty. It's a shame that in Chile it's a privilege for a minority enter to the university and not an opportunity for everyone, I hope this could change in a not so distant future.

Friday, September 27, 2019

My future job

Now I'm studying Chemistry and Pharmacy and with the little things that I know about this career I think that I would like to dedicate in this profession because I always want to do something related to the science and the wealth. Also I dream with having my own laboratory or my own pharmacy.
I would like to work in a hospital or in a consulting room truly I would like to work in something that has contact with people, I don't like the indoor's job for me is very depressing also I would like to travel a lot but it's very complicate do these considering what I'm studying maybe I travel on my own to poor countries to supply them with the basic medicines or going to help with vaccination. 

About the money just enough to reach me to live without worries but it really doesn't matter because I would do something that I love, the chemistry.

Also I would like to specialize in something about pharmaceutical innovations or molecular engineering because they say it's the future of the world. 

Friday, September 13, 2019

My favorite TV show

Watch TV or series on my computer or on Netflix is one of the things that I enjoy so much to do, I could be watching Netflix all day in my house it would be like a dream for me. I think is the most fun hobby ever.

I like more the series than the movies, my favorites series are drama series, the comedy series and the mystery series and the worst series for me are the turkish series I find they are very melodramatic and soo fantastic, it makes me angry when my mom see any turkish serie and the worst is when she talks me about them but I still love her. 

Anyway I will talk about my favorite TV show: Grey's Anatomy (<3)

Grey's Anatomy is a medical drama who told us about the lives of surgical interns, residents and attendings of the Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. It's my favorite serie because mix the science, the drama and the romance in a unique way, it's so exciting see the pacient cases and the surgeries are the best part of the show. 

This serie is still shooting with fifthteen seasons and one that will be realeased the next week, I'm very anxious to see it but even if I'm a big fan of Grey's Anatomy I would like it to come to his end because in my opinion the serie lost the central theme: the patients. In any case it is and will continue to be a great serie for me.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Why do I choose my career?

Well, to be honest when I graduate I really didn't know what I want to study, the only thing I know that has to be something related with chemistry, my family told be about biochemistry I investigate about this profession and it sounds really interesting but when I knew my PSU results I realized that I wasn't going to study biochemistry for 10 points, it was very frustrating but I wanted to go to university so I look up for other careers, the best option was chemistry and pharmacy and with my PSU results I could enter to study but still I had doubts if this would be something that I wanted to dedicated for the rest of my life.

When I entered to university and the teachers start to talk about what is the pharmaceutical chemist, about what he does and his role in the area of the health it started to like the career. I didn't know all about this career yet but I like it, I think that not have been studying biochemistry was a good thing because I wouldn't discover this beautiful profession.

Friday, August 2, 2019

My blog experience

I really enjoy writing blogs, at the beginning I don't like the idea of writing it's kind weird for me because I never did something like this before but with he passing of the classes I started to like this about writing blogs. With the blogs I could a little more about me also I met some new people throught them, sometimes we had things in common with my mates and I also learn new things like a facts about the human body and some scientific women who helped in our lifes.

Also writing blogs helped me too much in my writing skills in english, although from time to time I'm still making mistakes and I have to admit that I often use the google translator even in that last blog, but nobody it's perfect (I guess jajaja).

Maybe in the future I don't keep writing blogs but I do a activity related to this to further improve my english skills.

I would like to write about a culture of some country or some current scientific discovery that will help us in our lives or how to combat the environmental crisis that is currently a very sensitive issue and we should all inform ourselves about this and fight it.

Monday, July 22, 2019


Alzheimer it's a progressive disease that destroys the memory and other mental functions because of the deterioration and death of brain neurons. The symptom of this disease are: changes in the personality, changes in the mood, problems for pay attention and in the orientation, low levels in energy, among others. It's the most common form of dementia, it's incurable and terminal. The causes of Alzheimer's are unknown but the most of the time this occurs in elderly people.

I choose this disease because I knew a lot of friends who have family members who suffers this terrible illness and because I think we have to support more the people who are diseased and the family or the people who taking care of him or her.

In itself the Alzheimer it is equally common in all parts of the world but the 60% of the cases of Alzheimer they are in countries with low and middle income.

As Alzheimer's affects neurons, this in turn affects the muscular system and in some more severe cases the cardiorespiratory system.

International Alzheimer's Day is commemorated on September 21, the date was chosen by the WHO and the International Alzheimer's Federation, in which activities are carried out in various countries to raise awareness and help prevent the disease.

Friday, July 12, 2019

The most enjoyable subject

In this semester I really like so much the subject of chemical laboratory techniques, in this subject first we do a theory class about a type of the differents laboratory techniques that there are , for example: distillation, filtration, solutions, etc, then we do the practical part (for me is the best part of the class) when we put into practice what they taught us before. 

It's my favorite subject because, every week we do something different from the previous one and also is the kind of subject that has as much theory part as to practice part.

And also this subject it's so important in our future professional life because, when we will be graduates always will have contact with a laboratory, so it's very necessary that from our first year of university we begin to enter in the lab, his instruments, his rules and his precautions.

Postgrade Studies

Hello and welcome to another blog, well I really don't think about what I'm gonna do after receive my title (if I finish my career )...