Friday, June 28, 2019

About love, pets and friendship

Maya and a uncle's dog
My first and only pet it's a Schnauzer called Maya, she is 13 years old and her pelage is grayish. My grandmothers gave it to me when I was 6 years old, I was so excited because every Christmas I asked to my parents but at that time they didn't have much money, so my maternal grandmother go to a animal shelter to look for a puppy and my paternal grandmother buy the puppy's food and a dog collar, that Christmas they traveled to Santiago to give me the most beautiful present.

She is so restless and playful, when my father took the strap to take it out fro a walk she ran through all the apartment of emotion. Every summer we traveled to Arica to see all my family: grandparents, grandmothers, cousins, uncles, aunts, etc and obviously we have to take she with us. When we travel to Arica we stay at the house of my maternal grandparents, she had a lot of fun in my grandparents' house, because my grandmother also have a pet a German shepherd called Tania, both played all day around the house.

One summer my parents decide to leave Maya in my grandparent's house because in there she had more space to play and whit whom to play, I left very sad from my grandparent's house but I knew it was the best for Maya. I miss her every day and even more now.

I love pets because they understand you in a way that sometimes the human cannot and also they know when you more need his love.


  1. The dogs are the best pets! I hope that you can continue to meet with her!

  2. I like the dogs but my house isn't big to having one.


Postgrade Studies

Hello and welcome to another blog, well I really don't think about what I'm gonna do after receive my title (if I finish my career )...