Monday, July 22, 2019


Alzheimer it's a progressive disease that destroys the memory and other mental functions because of the deterioration and death of brain neurons. The symptom of this disease are: changes in the personality, changes in the mood, problems for pay attention and in the orientation, low levels in energy, among others. It's the most common form of dementia, it's incurable and terminal. The causes of Alzheimer's are unknown but the most of the time this occurs in elderly people.

I choose this disease because I knew a lot of friends who have family members who suffers this terrible illness and because I think we have to support more the people who are diseased and the family or the people who taking care of him or her.

In itself the Alzheimer it is equally common in all parts of the world but the 60% of the cases of Alzheimer they are in countries with low and middle income.

As Alzheimer's affects neurons, this in turn affects the muscular system and in some more severe cases the cardiorespiratory system.

International Alzheimer's Day is commemorated on September 21, the date was chosen by the WHO and the International Alzheimer's Federation, in which activities are carried out in various countries to raise awareness and help prevent the disease.


  1. that interesting post, currently in the faculty alzhaimer is studied with the discovery of gold nanoparticles, trying to inhibit neurodegeneration,

  2. It is a very complicated disease, my grandmother who is 90 years old is showing signs of Alzheimer's.


Postgrade Studies

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