Friday, September 6, 2019

Why do I choose my career?

Well, to be honest when I graduate I really didn't know what I want to study, the only thing I know that has to be something related with chemistry, my family told be about biochemistry I investigate about this profession and it sounds really interesting but when I knew my PSU results I realized that I wasn't going to study biochemistry for 10 points, it was very frustrating but I wanted to go to university so I look up for other careers, the best option was chemistry and pharmacy and with my PSU results I could enter to study but still I had doubts if this would be something that I wanted to dedicated for the rest of my life.

When I entered to university and the teachers start to talk about what is the pharmaceutical chemist, about what he does and his role in the area of the health it started to like the career. I didn't know all about this career yet but I like it, I think that not have been studying biochemistry was a good thing because I wouldn't discover this beautiful profession.


  1. Great that you like your career. You will certainly enjoy more.

  2. The frustation sometimes is so hard, but i like how could you deal with that, and is crazy how the life put on your way that career! :o


Postgrade Studies

Hello and welcome to another blog, well I really don't think about what I'm gonna do after receive my title (if I finish my career )...