Friday, October 4, 2019

Postgrade Studies

Hello and welcome to another blog, well I really don't think about what I'm gonna do after receive my title (if I finish my career ) but like the most maybe I'd would do a magister in biochemistry because like a say in my last blog that was my first option to study at the university. In my mind I would do this magister in other country, maybe in Europe'country or Brazil but it has to be in other to study and in the same time to know a new country also I hope to do this magister in a blended system to have time to see the country.

And maybe I would like to study another career related with biology except medicine I don't like this career not because it's a very long career it's because in my opinion it's a profession which you have to be very responsable and for me it's a big responsibility the life of someone but anyway I think when finish the career of Pharmaceutical chemistry perhaps the next profession I study would be marine biology I feel it's a very interesting career and also so pretty. It's a shame that in Chile it's a privilege for a minority enter to the university and not an opportunity for everyone, I hope this could change in a not so distant future.

1 comment:

  1. Biochemistry sounds very interesting as a magister, strive and you will surely achieve what you set out to do!


Postgrade Studies

Hello and welcome to another blog, well I really don't think about what I'm gonna do after receive my title (if I finish my career )...