Friday, July 5, 2019

Marie Curie

One of the most expert on science that I admire is Marie Curie, she was the first person and woman who receiving two Nobel prizes for his works in radioactive energy and the discover of the elements radium and polonium.

She was born in 1867, in Varsovia, Poland and she died in 1934, in Passy, France cause the constant contact she had with radioactive compound. At a very short age she was interested by the biology and chemistry something unusual at the time. Because of the limited opportunities to study in Poland she traveled to Paris, there she study at the Sorbonne, Paris getting a degree in physics and math then she meet her future husband Pierre Curie who was a renowned chemist, they got married and worked together in the laboratory studying the radiation. 
Pierre and Marie Curie
She made great contributions to understand the radioactivity also she was the figure of many scientific women to have a space in the scientific community.

I admire her so much because she had to effort every day to be able to reach his goals and dreams just because she was a woman, but that never stopped her. 


  1. I think that is wonderfull that Marie Curie had a big recognize, we have a lot of girls with incredibles investigations that didn't had recognized :(

  2. one of the most important women in the history, an example to follow


Postgrade Studies

Hello and welcome to another blog, well I really don't think about what I'm gonna do after receive my title (if I finish my career )...