Friday, May 31, 2019

My favorite device

The piece of technology that I like more it's the cellphone, I think it's one of the most incredible technology devices because now you can do everything with it. At the begging you only can call other just like the telephone with the difference that the cellphone was portable but now with the fast progress of the technology you also can, write messages, look up information, take pictures, connect to internet, and more. 
Image result for bounce tales
At age of 10 my parents bought me my first cellphone, it was a red Nokia, I only want this cellphone for the game that was included with it. One day I took my cellphone to the school to show him to my friends, when I got home I realized that I don't have my cellphone, I went to tell my mom, she punished me and also told me that she wouldn't buy another cellphone until I was bigger.

After that I had three more cellphones, most of them I used to play games like: angrybirds, candycrush, etc, or to chat with my family and friends. 

I really use the cellphone most of time especially now because I'm far from my family and my close friends.

I can't even imagine my life with this devices, most of them make our lifes more easier, but we must not abuse their use either.

Friday, May 24, 2019

What do you want to be?

 It's a complicated question when you're bigger because there are to many factors to consider but when when you're a child nothing of this have sense, we just dream about the job of our lives. 

For example, when I was a child I wanted to be a fireman, then I wanted to be a veterinarian because I love the idea of working in a zoo and take care of the animals in this. I had that before I entered to high school.

During the high school I realized what I really liked: the chemistry, I don't know why but I liked it, a teacher of my school Matías Rioja teach me the base of this subject and also the magic of the Chemistry, the labs, the implements, the experiments and more. 

When I finished the high school I had 3 options in my mind: biochemistry, pharmaceutical sciences or obstetrics and puericulture but I finally decided for pharmaceutical sciences by the opinions of my teachers and family members who knew about the career.

Until now I like the option that I chose and I feel so comfortable at the university, it's a unique space of conviavility and besides I have fun with my friends who also like the science.

The kind of job that I want to do is one in which I fill myself with joy to do it and don't have to wake up bitter every week by going to work. I hope to find something like that.

Postgrade Studies

Hello and welcome to another blog, well I really don't think about what I'm gonna do after receive my title (if I finish my career )...